Spring Arugula Panzanella Salad | Earthbound Farm Canada

Spring Arugula Panzanella Salad

Servings: 4 Servings

| Active Time: 20

| Total Time: 25-30


5 Earthbound Farm Organic Baby Arugula

1 garlic clove

2 lemons

¼ cup buttermilk

8 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided

Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper

1 English cucumber, halved lengthwise, cut crosswise into 1½” pieces

4 scallions, thinly sliced on a diagonal

6 oz. sugar snap peas, trimmed, thinly sliced on a diagonal (about 2 cups)

2 1”-thick slices round country-style bread

1 bunch asparagus, trimmed, sliced on a diagonal into 2” pieces

½ cup of mint

½ cup of dill

4 oz. feta


Finely grate garlic and the zest of 1 lemon into a large bowl. Squeeze juice from both lemons into the bowl. Add buttermilk and 6 tablespoons of oil and whisk to combine. Season dressing with salt and pepper, to taste.

Slice cucumbers into thin rounds. Add cucumber, scallions, and peas to dressing and toss well to combine. Let sit while you fry the bread and asparagus.

Pour remaining 2 tablespoons of oil into a skillet large enough to fit both slices of bread in a single layer. Add bread and set over medium heat. Cook, undisturbed, until golden brown and crisp underneath, about 5 minutes. Turn bread over to lightly fry the other side, about 2 minutes. Season both sides of bread with salt. Set aside.

Arrange asparagus in the same skillet, season with salt, and cook over medium heat, tossing occasionally, about 3 minutes. Add to salad.

Tear bread into 1½” pieces and add to the bowl with Organic Baby Arugula. Add the cucumber mixture and toss to evenly coat and help bread soak up some of the dressing. Add dill and mint to salad, season with salt and pepper and toss.

Add salad to a platter, break feta into large pieces and top to salad. Drizzle with more dressing as desired and enjoy!